Cleaning the kitchen can be challenging enough if it’s just yourself, but if you’re
looking after kids too, it can quickly become a daunting task. After all, no one enjoys
putting food in inappropriate places more than children do. If you’ve found yourself
struggling to get your kitchen back to its original state before, have a look at our
easy tips for how to most effectively clean your kitchen – so you never have to fear
cleaning day again.
Clean the surfaces, including the stove top
The first step is to give your surfaces a good wipe with a sponge and cleanin solution of your choice. But don’t forget the burners – using warm water and soap, scrub off any dirt. This is also something that should be done after every cooking session, to avoid build-up. The more often you do it, the easier this will be.
Most people dread cleaning the oven, but if you know how, it’s very simple. Remove
the racks from the oven and let them soak, then prepare to give the inside of your
oven a good clean. Use an oven cleaning mixture – whether store-bought or
homemade – to scrub the inside and get rid of any greasy residue. Let the cleaning
mixture sit overnight, then wipe if off in the morning, and put the oven racks back.
Time is your best friend when it comes to cleaning the oven, so don’t rush it, and let
the dirt soak for a while before you try to wipe it off for good.
How to clean your shelves
Throw away any expired items, take everything else out and wipe the shelves with a
cloth to remove dirt and dust. Don’t forget to clean the outside too!
Clean out your fridge
Get rid of any food that’s gone bad, take all your food items out of the fridge, and use
a sponge and some cleaning solution to wipe down the inside of the fridge. Same
goes for the freezer – you will probably have to unplug is first, so choose a day
where you don’t rely on your freezer. It’s best to clean your fridge and freezer
before a big shop, so you can make space for new items too.
Get your sink sparkling
It makes sense to clean your sink last – after all, you’ll most likely get it dirty again
whilst cleaning all the other parts of your kitchen. Do all your dishes first too, and
then wash your sink with warm water and soap, using a sponge. Rinse everything
after the job is done – and then sit back and enjoy your handiwork!